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“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.”  ~Hippocrates

Our library brings some of the benefits of Harmony Hill to your screen. Webinar topics range from nutrition to stress relief and eating with awareness, a learning opportunity for health and wellness.

Key principles of a cancer prevention diet

This webinar provides the foundation for the other sessions by explaining the basic associations between food(s) and cancer. We will discuss the key features of a cancer-prevention diet, covering topics such as animal vs. plant foods, the anti-inflammatory activity of essential fats, the role of sugar (in all forms) in health, the value of colorful phytonutrients and high-antioxidant super-foods, the importance of organically-grown food in reducing intake of toxins, to name a few. Part 1 of 4

Keeping clean in a toxic world

Our environment continues to become more toxic, with the food, air, and water supply growing full of contaminants that may be cancer-causing. In fact, recent science indicates that certain pollutants may be associated with the rise in chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease. This webinar will focus on what you can do to ‘keep clean’ when eating, along with some tips for how to reduce toxins in everyday living. Part 2 of 4

Top ten foods to eat, top ten to avoid

Many of us are seeking clear-cut answers on what foods to eat and what foods to avoid. There is much mixed information and nutrition advice has wavered on certain foods, leaving people confused. Are we becoming less healthy with increasing nutrition information? This is a no-nonsense webinar that takes you through a tour of the ‘best’ foods for maintaining health and the ‘worst’ foods, and includes tips on how to prepare and eat these foods for maximal impact. Part 3 of 4

The practicalities of eating out, shopping and food preparation

In the last of this series, we focus on putting the basics of good eating into motion, including how to make eating and food preparation easy and enjoyable, and how to eat out simply without stressing. Eating doesn’t have to be complicated — you will learn how to master the holiday-frenzy of eating in addition to tips to transition from a ‘diet’ into a true way of life. Part 4 of 4 with Dr. Deanna Minich

Spice up your everyday eating

We have two ‘farmacies’ in our kitchen – one is the refrigerator and the other is the spice rack. Spices are concentrated sources of plants with many of them having anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory properties. Come learn about the healing properties of three key spices and how to use them in cooking and food preparation, with Dr. Deanna Minich.

Cooling down with anti-inflammatory foods

Anti-inflammatory living, with Dr. Deanna Minich

Tips to eating with awareness

In our busy lives, chances are we have caught ourselves ‘eating on the run,’ overeating, emotionally eating, or simply forgetting to eat. In this webinar, we will talk about the benefits of eating mindfully and with awareness, along with how you can start to eat in ways that will give you more energy and help you to be more in tune with your body, with Dr. Deanna Minich.

Healthy recipes for the holidays

The holidays often mean more social gatherings with greater access to sweet, nutrient-poor foods. Make your holidays balanced and healthful by learning how to make mainstay dishes better for you and how to incorporate whole foods and color into festive eating. We will review holiday recipe ideas that will keep you healthy and happy at the same time, with Dr. Deanna Minich.

Nutritional detoxification through food

There is so much information out there about detoxing, but how do you know which one to do and if they are healthy? Deanna Minich, PhD guides you through a natural and nutritional way to detox. This will help you cleanse your system to start your journey to a healthier you and to help you nourish your whole system, with Dr. Deanna Minich.

Is the Paleo diet right for you? Part 1

The standard American diet is pro-inflammatory, leading many down the road to pain and misery and chronic illness because it is out of step with what we humans evolved to eat. Bad dietary advice and misinformation abound, based on outdated standards, bad research and long-perpetuated nutritional myths. Incorporating elements of an ancestral diet with patience and self-kindness will help put out the flames of inflammation before they burn a hole in your health and longevity. In this webinar, you will begin separating fact from fiction and learn how to make gradual dietary changes without suffering the stress and overwhelm that dooms many to fail. with Valerie Burke

Is the Paleo diet right for you? Part 2

The standard American diet is pro-inflammatory, leading many down the road to pain and misery and chronic illness because it is out of step with what we humans evolved to eat. Bad dietary advice and misinformation abound, based on outdated standards, bad research and long-perpetuated nutritional myths. Incorporating elements of an ancestral diet with patience and self-kindness will help put out the flames of inflammation before they burn a hole in your health and longevity. In this webinar, you will begin separating fact from fiction and learn how to make gradual dietary changes without suffering the stress and overwhelm that dooms many to fail. with Valerie Burke > Fructose table for common fruits

Body beautiful

Foods that promote inner health and an outer glow. We see information everywhere on how to look, be and feel beautiful! Well why not start on the inside. Deanna Minich, PhD is going to teach you what foods to introduce to your diet that will help promote INNER health and will help you get that OUTER glow back.

Immune boosting foods and nutrients

The immune system is integral to the functioning of our body, helping us to ward off offenders in our environment like bacteria and viruses. The function of this important built-in surveillance can be fortified with the help of specific foods. In this webinar, you will learn about 5 everyday foods to help you to protect your immune system, integral to the functioning of our body, helping us to ward off offenders in our environment like bacteria and viruses, with Deanna Minich, PhD.

Letting go of stress

Strategies for the tired, wired and mired by Dr. Deanna Minich – August 19, 2014